How glitter is used for makeup in 2023

Glitter is a versatile and fun addition to any makeup look. From subtle shimmer to bold sparkle, glitter can be used in a variety of ways to enhance your natural beauty and create a statement. In this article, we'll explore how glitter is used for makeup and some tips on how to incorporate it into your routine.

Types of Glitter for Makeup Before diving into the application techniques, it's important to know that not all glitters are created equal. When using glitter for makeup, it's crucial to use cosmetic-grade glitter that is safe for use on the skin. Craft glitter or glitter meant for other purposes can contain ingredients that may irritate or harm your skin.

Cosmetic-grade glitter is available in a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes, ranging from fine powders to chunky pieces. Some popular types of glitter for makeup include loose glitter, pressed wholesale glitter, glitter gels, and liquid glitter.

Ways to Use Glitter in Makeup

  1. Eye Makeup The most common way to use glitter in makeup is to apply it to the eyes. You can create a subtle look by applying a small amount of glitter to the inner corners of the eyes, or go bold by creating a glittery smoky eye.

To apply loose glitter, use a small, flat brush to pat the glitter onto the lid, focusing on the areas where you want it to stand out. For pressed or cream glitter, use a finger or a brush to apply the product to the lid.

  1. Highlighter Glitter can also be used as a highlighter to add a luminous glow to the high points of your face. Apply a small amount of glitter to the tops of your cheekbones, brow bone, and cupid's bow for a dazzling effect.

To apply glitter as a highlighter, use a small fan brush or a fluffy brush to lightly dust the product onto the desired areas. Be sure to blend it out for a seamless finish.

  1. Lips If you're feeling adventurous, glitter can be used on the lips for a bold and daring look. Apply a glitter lip gloss or use a lip brush to apply loose glitter to the center of your lips for a sparkly pout.

To apply glitter to the lips, use a lip brush to gently dab the product onto the lips. For loose glitter, be sure to use a cosmetic adhesive to keep the glitter in place.

Tips for Using Glitter in Makeup

  1. Use a Primer To ensure that your glitter stays in place all day, use a primer specifically designed for glitter or shimmer products. This will help the glitter adhere to the skin and prevent fallout.
  2. Keep It Simple When using glitter in makeup, it's best to keep the rest of your makeup simple and neutral. Too many bold colors or textures can overwhelm the look and make it appear messy.
  3. Be Careful with Loose Glitter Loose glitter can be messy and difficult to control. To prevent fallout, use a piece of tape or a lint roller to pick up any excess glitter that falls onto the face.
  4. Remove with Care When removing glitter from the face, be gentle to avoid irritating the skin. Use a makeup remover specifically designed for glitter or soak a cotton pad in an oil-based cleanser to help break down the glitter.

In conclusion, glitter is a fun and playful addition to any makeup look. Whether you want to add a subtle sparkle or make a statement with bold glitter, there are many ways to incorporate it into your routine. Just remember to use cosmetic-grade glitter, keep it simple, and be careful when applying and removing. So, gather your glitter and get creative – the possibilities are endless!


